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Why Use A Rope Halter

Why Use A Rope Halter

The rope halters are light and comfortable for the horse to wear, but because they are made of thin rope, they are less comfortable for a horse to lean into. This helps to dissuade a horse from pushing into the pressure or pulling away from it. Pressure motivates a behaviour, but it’s the release that teaches.

The rope halter is a simple design with no leverage. Thus, the feel directed down the lead rope is the feel the horse receives, so you can be light in your signal or give more guidance as necessary. However, the method and feel used with a piece of equipment are more important than the tool used.

The fit of the halter is important to avoid discomfort or injury to the horse. The noseband should sit where a cavesson noseband of a traditional English bridle would sit, 2 finger width underneath the cheekbone. 

Last month we spoke about the different types of attachments you can use to attach the lead rope to the halter.  Some people prefer clips over the loop or tie-on attachments because it makes it easier to detach the rope from the halter. However, we would advise you never to leave the rope halter on your horse unless they are tied up and you are around. The halter can get snagged on stable fittings, fencing or hedges in the field and should not be left unattended on the horse. 

As with everything that we do with our horses, we are looking to develop lightness throughout our communication. The lighter the lead rope attachment the ‘quieter’ the signal. It is what we should all be striving for.

The rope we use is specifically designed for horsemanship use. Used by top clinicians for every day use and groundwork. Our natural rope halters are expertly hand-tied using 6mm polyester marine double braid rope, with knots balanced in strategic places. The rope halters are made from high quality yachting rope that offers the ultimate in softness and strength making them an ideal halter for natural horsemanship training.

We also supply halters used by Buck Brannaman and made by Double Diamond Halters. They are 6mm diameter with a nylon core and a 16 strand nylon cover.

Photograph by Tom Blockley